The Only Hope | #4

11:32 AM Eunnah 0 Comments

(Note: if we are offended by the pres' malicious comments, then why are we enjoying this person's humor? am i missing something here??)

I would like to think about rescuing people analogous to this picture.

If you notice, the only thing hindering that person (victim) to fall to his death is the hand of another person (rescuer). That hand which reached out at the right time became that person’s (victim) bridge to life. Similarly, sometimes, all victims need is a helping hand to reach out in the right moment. We never know, our help might be the only chance to a particular victim’s survival.

first aid at the right time (which is early!)

Aside from that, if you look at the rescuer in the picture, you will notice that his or her life was also at stake just to save someone. According to the talk last Monday, the rescuer should confirm his or her safety first before rescuing someone. But even though the safety of the rescuer is in priority, the fact that you are trying to rescue someone, means that you are still in some kind of danger.

Given that fact, I think it doesn’t compare to the weight of the idea that if you don’t help, then a life will be gone. So even though there is some sort of danger if you try to rescue someone, that’s okay. What’s more important is that you didn’t lose a life for being selfish.

Having said that, I think the word “rescue” is beautiful; for it emphasizes that every life matters.

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